Leestips: wat is het nut van ‘creatief doen met recht’?


Sommige mensen zijn alleen te overtuigen door eigen ervaring. Anderen komen pas in beweging als iedereen het doet of als de nood aan de man is. De degelijke denker wil het eerst lezen, uit diverse bronnen en dan eens rustig aankijken. Uitproberen kan altijd nog.

Dus hierbij een leeslijstje voor degelijke denkers en solide juristen:

  • THE CREATIVE LAWYER, Michael Melcher (American Bar Association Publishing, 2007)
    A practical guide to authentic professional satisfaction.

    “The creative lawyer is any lawyer who uses his or her own creativity to make a life that works. This life can be in law or outside of it. Why do I use the word creative? Because professional satisfaction is a question of creating what you want, not just waiting for it to appear”

  • A WHOLE NEW MIND, Daniel Pink (Riverhead Books, 2005)
    Why right-brainers will rule the future

    “When routine legal research goes overseas and basic legal information is available online, what’s left for the litigious? High-concept work like that done by Animators at Law, a graphic design firm staffed by law graduates that prepares exhibits, videos and visual aids to help top trial attorneys persuade juries.”

  • THE END OF LAWYERS, Richard Susskind (Oxford University Press, 2008)
    Rethinking the nature of legal services.

    “Applying Pink’s thinking to the legal world, will pass form the traditional, analytical, logical legal mind to a more creative and imaginative cadre of lawyers”
    (…) those individuals who are in future responsible for innovating, designing, marketing and selling a mulit-sourced legal service, will not be traditional, left brain males, but far more creativ, innovative, artistic and often female lawyers”.

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